Sylvanus Estate Wine
We'd love for you to try our wines, and the easiest, best and most beneficial way for you to do this is to join our wine club. The benefits are many, and listed below. The drawbacks are few, and you can withdraw from the club anytime after your initial order.
We are a small family vineyard, meticulously crafting a small amount of exceptional wine. Quantities are limited. Once you join the Wine Club, and as long as you remain in it, you will always receive that amount of wine, (barring unfortunate vintage events).
Club membership begins with a six bottle order, and with that amount you will enjoy free shipping within the United States, along with many other remarkable benefits.
Fill out the form below, and indicate what you'd like to order, we'll send you an invoice by email for you to enter credit card details, and after that your wine will soon be on its way.

The Cipher Reserve Pinot Noir 2017
$70/bottle. Free shipping with Club membership.
Homeblock Reserve Pinot Noir 2017
$70/bottle. Free shipping with Club membership.

Sylvanus Estate Pinot Noir 2017
$55/bottle. Free shipping with Club membership.
Sylvanus Estate Wine Club Details

Wine Club members will receive an invitation to the amazing vineyard events listed above, and held throughout the year. This year we are offering intimate summer winemaker dinners in the Walnut Grove to our Club members.
Additionally we will work with you to schedule a Sylvanus wine event where you live. You provide the space and food, we'll bring the wine and ourselves. This is subject to our availability, wine availability, and certain other considerations. Make no mistake, we want to come see you. We wouldn't offer it if we didn't!
When you join our wine club, you agree to purchase at least one six bottle case of our wine each calendar year. You have the opportunity to buy more, if wine is available. The half case of wine that secures your membership will receive free shipping, as will all subsequent cases you purchase while a member.
The Sylvanus Estate Club.
Contact us using the form below, let us know what you'd like to purchase and begin your journey across the vintages with us.
A very limited amount of wine is available, so join now!